The Complete Guide to Different Management Styles and What They Mean

The Complete Guide to Different Management Styles and What They Mean

Complete Guide to Different Management Styles will explain how supervisors direct and oversee the actions of their subordinates. In addition, management styles communicate clear expectations to employees, motivate them, and establish parameters for their performance.

There are five major management styles used by managers depending on the situation; these five management styles are autocratic, authoritative, coaching, team-based, and delegative.

The Five Major Types of Management

Management Style 1: Autocratic

An autocratic leadership style is where the leader of an organization has absolute power over the organization, often delegating little or no responsibility to their subordinates. Typically, in this leadership style, there are very few or no rules to ensure that employees follow guidelines. Instead, the organization leader is in complete control over all aspects of the company.

Management Style 2: Authoritative

The authoritative leadership style has many similarities with the autocratic leadership style. The difference is that the authoritarian leader is more interested in establishing cooperation with followers. The authoritarian leader can be said to have a more democratic approach, which means listening to the followers’ views and considering them before making any decision.

Management Style 3: Coaching

Coaching is a leadership style that entails providing feedback, guidance, and support to employees. The goal of the coaching style is to develop subordinates’ skills to improve their performance.

Some people are successful coaches because they are good listeners. They maintain eye contact with the person they coach and listen carefully before asking questions or providing feedback.

Management Style 4. Team-Based

Team-based management style is a famous organizational structure. Companies that use a team-based management style operate with the participation of all employees without any formal hierarchy. Instead, each employee determines the company’s success. All employees are encouraged to work together towards the same goal.

A team-based management style is beneficial for companies because it aligns interests with those carrying out the work. It also eliminates many problems that hierarchical companies face, such as lack of autonomy, lack of personal responsibility, and lack of motivation.

Management Style 5. Delegative

Leaders who use delegative or shared authority leadership styles have subordinates who have the freedom to do tasks as long as they are not exceeding their assigned tasks.

The delegation style of leadership is trendy and common. This kind of leadership style is the most preferred by managers because it increases responsibility and, at the same time, increases cohesiveness in the team.

In the delegative leadership style, subordinates may freely delegate tasks if they do not exceed their assigned tasks. Leaders also control these delegated tasks and provide support, guidance, encouragement, and assistance to those carrying out these delegated actions.

There are several benefits to delegating responsibilities, such as increased responsibility and a sense of cohesion. This cohesion amongst a team allows you can to cover absent members.

Conclusion: Complete Guide to Different Management Styles

Learning the different types will help you decide how best to approach your employees, especially if you are new in a leadership role—in addition, using a style that fits your personality. If you remain flexible, you will no doubt become a great manager.


